WhatsApp and many other such apps are working to improve privacy for its users. Now, WhatsApp is planning to introduce an option to quit a group secretly. Additionally, it will add a mechanism to hide your “last seen” status from particular friends.
WhatsApp obscures users’ online status to outsiders
WhatsApp began obscuring users’ online status to outsiders in December, by default. Although it’s a positive step, your whole list of contacts may still see whether you’re online. However, WhatsApp’s next upgrade will allow you to select which contacts can see your status. This feature might solve that. To make this possible, all you need is to turn on the setting for that user. In this way, however, they won’t ever notice the difference.
Users can leave the group without letting anyone know with a new option
The ability to secretly exit groups is another useful feature that WhatsApp is introducing. The app currently (very annoyingly) alerts every user in the group of your departure. Moreover, it causes some group members to message you personally to inquire as to why you left. The new function, which is similar to Irish Goodbye, helps reduce the unpleasantness associated with ending a chat. For the unversed, Irish Goodbye is the practise of leaving a party without alerting anyone.
This month, WhatsApp claims it will begin spreading out these two updates. Additionally, it is developing a feature that will prevent users from screenshotting “see once” messages. View once communications behave something like a Snapchat photo or video. They disappear after the recipient has seen them once, unlike disappearing messages that disappear after a set period of time. Including a feature to prohibit screenshots could aid in preventing users from saving or disclosing sensitive data to others. Although this feature is currently in testing, WhatsApp says it will soon begin to make it available to users.
Moreover, other minor yet significant upgrades to WhatsApp are available now. Along with emoji reactions, the platform started allowing Android users to transfer their chat history to iPhone.
Many more new features and options are expected to come in the future.
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