Want to find a song? Find it on YouTube Music just by humming

Sanjana Dhar
Sanjana Dhar May 27, 2024
Updated 2024/05/27 at 9:24 AM

The YouTube music app gets a feature like Shazam which lets you find out a song by singing or humming it. However, the feature is currently only available for Android users.

Find a song out on YouTube Music app just by humming

Are you wondering if finding the right kind of music is a hectic task? Worry no more, because with several streaming platforms being available, it is no longer a difficult task. However if you have to find a song that is stuck in your head because you heard it somewhere but you do not know the title of the song, it can be quite a task.

YouTube now has come up with a solution for the YouTube music app, allowing Android users to discover the song just by humming the tunes of it to their Android smartphone.

Get to know more about this feature

The feature is very similar to Shazam available for Apple users and is called “play, sing or hum a song.” Rather, in a way it is better than Shazam because if you have to find out a song here, you do not need to know the lyrics or the actual song playing to identify it. You can just hum the tune and get your task done in an instant. This feature is currently available on the YouTube Music app for Android smartphone users only.

Besides humming, you can also play the song or sing it and on doing these, the probability of getting the correct song identified significantly increases. A similar feature has been available on Google Assistant for a while but by integrating this feature in the YouTube Music app, it will be act as a one-stop solution for users.


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