Top 3 Natural Language Processing Courses to Learn in 2023

Nishita Gupta
Nishita Gupta July 11, 2023
Updated 2023/08/01 at 5:16 PM

Natural language processing or NLP is currently used in user interfaces, artificial intelligence algorithms, and big data mining. If the computer can process natural language, it can extract more insights and patterns from data.

A legal machine learning algorithm, for example, can comb through large volumes of emails to identify data that could be associated with a lawsuit. A marketing algorithm, on the other hand, can sift through comments and reviews to determine sentiment and intent.

In this article, we have explained the top 3 natural language processing courses to learn in 2023. Read to know more about them in detail.

What is NLP?

Natural language processing (NLP) is the branch of computer science specifically the branch of artificial intelligence concerned with giving computers the ability to understand the text and spoken words in the actual way that humans do. Let’s dive deep into Natural Language Processing Courses to learn in 2023.

1. Natural Language Processing with Python on Udemy

The Python programming language is used to teach natural language processing in Udemy’s NLP course. Regular expressions, stemming, lemmatization, visualization, Word2Vec, and other topics are covered in the course. This course is open to Netflix, Apple, and Eventbrite employees.

Python is the most popular natural language processing programming language. NLP and Python courses will provide more real-world knowledge faster because many NLP products are written in Python.

2. Natural Language Processing Specialization by Coursera

Coursera’s natural language processing in 2022 Specialization delves into the complexities of NLP in terms of data. Naive Bayes, logistic regression, word vectors, complete analogies, sentiment analysis, and neural networks are all examples. For those interested in learning more, Coursera offers a variety of NLP courses, which are also offered by DeepLearning.AI.

3. Master Natural Language Processing at Udacity

Students who have a basic understanding of natural language processing can master it through Udacity’s 3-month online course. Students will learn how to compute and communicate using natural language. Real-world projects and a flexible learning system are included in the programs.

This is a fairly demanding course with mentorship and career services. As you gain proficiency in language processing, a career advisor will speak with you about your resume and the type of work you’re looking for, providing you with direction in your field. This can be an excellent course for those looking to change careers.

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