The Zoom app for Chromebook laptops will stop working in August 2022

Supreetha June 17, 2022
Updated 2022/06/19 at 9:12 PM

The Zoom app for Chromebook laptops will stop working in August 2022. The Zoom app has had a huge influence ever since COVID-19.

Its huge user base comes from students who also use Chromebook laptops, which are exclusively designed for student use. If you’re still using the traditional Zoom app for Chromebooks, it doesn’t sound like it will just stop working immediately, but its time is certainly limited. Eventually, we literally expect the app will just cease to function. Now let’s get into the reason why the Zoom app is being shut down for Chromebooks.

The Zoom app is mostly an old tech app that has been in use since 2011 in a really big way. Giving off technology that literally is not so improvised and handy for the coming years really is not feasible. Thus, the functionalities really are limited, which actually is why developers generally want to stop working on it, demonstrating that its huge user base mostly comes from students who also use Chromebook laptops that are definitely exclusively designed for student use, which is quite notable. 

The alternative provided by Zoom: 

Initially, Zoom was dubbed by pretty Progressive Web App (PWA) for Chromebooks. It has generally had several updates over the years. But as PWD really launched, it did not meet the support features at the end of the Chromebook in a major way. It did kind of have some bugs and broken video feeds. And now, with new improvements, the PWD is particularly an excellent experience, which is outstanding.

If you’re a Chromebook user, you can now switch to Zoom on Chrome PWD, fairly contrary to popular belief. It includes new features such as blurred background and immersive view, and suppresses background noise a lot more, just like on Windows and iOS, which generally is quite appreciable.

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