The ICMR Has Issued Guidelines for Using Artificial Intelligence

Nishita Gupta
Nishita Gupta March 27, 2023
Updated 2023/03/27 at 5:00 AM

artificial intelligence in the health sector

The ICMR has issued guidelines for the use of AI in the health sector, which are discussed below

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has developed guidelines to ensure the safe and effective development, deployment, and adoption of AI-based technologies in healthcare. The ICMR recognizes the numerous applications of AI in healthcare, such as diagnosis, screening, therapeutics, clinical decision-making, and public health surveillance, among others.

Every field, including healthcare, has been affected by artificial intelligence (AI). Ethical Guidelines for AI in Healthcare and Biomedical Research have been issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to “guide effective yet safe development, deployment, and adoption of AI-based technologies” in recognition of this.

To ensure the ethical use of AI in healthcare, the ICMR has established ten essential patient-centred ethical principles. These principles include accessibility, equity, data quality optimization, non-discrimination and fairness, validity and trustworthiness, autonomy, data privacy, collaboration, risk minimization and safety, and accountability and liability. The guidelines emphasize the importance of human oversight and patient consent, as well as the avoidance of unintended or deliberate misuse, cyberattacks, and biased data selection. Additionally, the ethics committee is responsible for conducting ethical reviews for AI in health research.

In conclusion, the ICMR’s guidelines aim to ensure that the development and deployment of AI-based healthcare technologies are both technically sound and ethically justifiable, with the goal of benefiting a large number of people equitably and fairly.

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