Surfshark report on data breaches – What is India’s position?

Shruti Govil
Shruti Govil April 13, 2024
Updated 2024/04/13 at 4:43 PM

India had 5.3 million compromised accounts in 2023, placing it fifth on the list of nations with the greatest breaches. There were 299.8 million compromised accounts worldwide, with the United States leading the way with 32% of all compromised accounts between January and December. 

Russia rated second, France third, Spain and India in order of precedence. An examination of data breaches by Surfshark revealed that the breach rate in India decreased by 56% between 2022 and 2023, while the global trend indicates an 18% decline. 


With 12.3 million accounts compromised, India was previously placed seventh on the list in 2022. 

After China and Russia overtook the United States with 31 million compromised online accounts in 2022, the country soared to the top with about 100 million compromised accounts in 2023, a threefold annual gain. 

The number of data breaches in Europe fell from 160 million in 2022 to 116.6 million in 2023. 

34% of breaches (101.7M) occur in North America; the number of breaches in this region increased by 193% in 2023 over the previous year. Asia accounted for an extra 26.3 million accounts, or 9% of all accounts. Less than 5% of the years total came from any other region, and over 14% are yet unidentified. Africa experienced the largest year-over-year decline of any area, dropping from 25 million compromised accounts in 2022 to 3 million in 2023. 

The most compromised platform is LinkedIn. 

Because to the scraping of publicly accessible data, LinkedIn experienced a nearly 11.5 million email leak. 1.6 million American, 1.1 million French, and 700,000 British accounts were among the compromised ones. Around 20 million Russian email addresses were compromised by the second through fifth-largest data breaches, which affected four Russian platforms: Chitai-gorod, Book24, Gloria Jeans, and Sbr Spasibo. 

2.7 million email addresses were leaked as a result of several significant breaches that were reported at Duolingo. experienced another significant data breach, with around 1.3 million people’s personal information being stolen and posted on hacker forums. 

Concerns about identity theft and social engineering are raised by data breaches, which expose consumers to these risks. It is well known that con artists send phoney emails purporting to be from reputable companies using compromised data. It’s possible that these emails have links that lead to malicious websites or ask for further personal information. 

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