Student Essays Written By Themselves When Run Through Chat GPT By Professor Falsely Claims Of Content Written By AI

Rithika Biswas
Rithika Biswas May 18, 2023
Updated 2023/05/19 at 3:19 PM

To summarise this bizarre situation – The professor scanned the writings his students had turned in for his final test using ChatGPT. The likelihood that the writings were generated by a machine was substantial, according to ChatGPT. A Texas university professor failed his whole class after being misled by an AI tool that claimed the students’ writings were generated by a machine.

The instructor scanned the writings that his pupils had submitted for his final test using ChatGPT. After apologising to the students, the professor decided to offer them another chance to pass the test. One should be aware that ChatGPT is not necessarily correct even if you swear by it. AI models are susceptible to hallucinations and can portray fiction as truth.

According to a Reddit post, a professor at a university in Texas failed his whole class after receiving misleading information from an AI tool that claimed the students’ writings were generated by a machine. The lecturer, who hasn’t been identified, was checking for plagiarism using a programme called ChatGPT. A large language model chatbot ChatGPT was created by OpenAI. It can produce text, translate languages, compose various types of creative material, and provide one with informed answers to their queries.

Professor attempts to fail students after falsely accusing them of using  ChatGPT to cheat

The professor scanned the writings his students had turned in for his final test using ChatGPT. The likelihood that the writings were generated by a machine was substantial, according to ChatGPT. The instructor failed the entire class because she thought the writings were copied. But afterwards, it became clear that ChatGPT was incorrect. There was no computer used to write the essays. The pupils themselves composed these. After apologising to the students, the professor decided to offer them another chance to pass the test.

This event brings to light the possible risks associated with employing AI systems to identify plagiarism. Because they are not flawless, AI programmes occasionally make blunders. AI technologies should be used cautiously and with awareness of their limits.

It’s also crucial to remember that ChatGPT is currently a work in progress. In the future, it’s feasible that the tool may be enhanced and its ability to identify plagiarism will increase. Even if ChatGPT is enhanced, it’s crucial to keep in mind that AI technologies cannot take the role of human discretion. Plagiarism detection continues to be best done by humans. 

Having a person check what you’ve written is always recommended if they are worried about plagiarism. As an additional line of defence, AI tools are also an option, but one shouldn’t rely only on them. This incident serves as a warning that while AI is a potent tool, it can also be abused. AI should be used cautiously and with awareness of its limits.


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