The State of the Digital Workspace

techinnews January 25, 2018
Updated 2022/04/14 at 11:01 AM
The State of the Digital Workspace
The State of the Digital Workspace

Digital workspace first-movers experience business, operational, and financial benefits while those that wait are falling behind, according to the VMware State of the Digital Workspace report. Survey respondents say game-changing IT depends on organizations adopting a digital workspace that includes security and identity management as vital components. With realistic prospects of achieving triple-digit ROI, even surveyed businesses that cite obstacles to adoption may want to consider taking another look at business mobility initiatives.

To understand more about mobility initiatives globally, VMware engaged with market research firm Management Insight in July 2016 to survey more than 1,200 IT decision makers, IT influencers, and business decision makers worldwide. The VMware State of the Digital Workspace report outlines key findings and highlights trends relevant to today’s decision makers.

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