Last week, Brad Smith, Microsoft’s President, posted about the issue about the facial recognition technology that has many advantages for the security of a user.
Facial recognition technology is confirmed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) not included this technology in their contract. This new technology is very in demand in some devices such as Android devices and iOS devices. Microsoft wants to be fair when it comes in this technology, and they still face challenges and problems like the other AI technologies.
Pres. Smith said “We’re committed to participating in a full and responsible manner in public policy deliberations relating to facial recognition. Government officials, civil liberties organizations and the broader public can only appreciate the full implications of new technical trends if those of us who create this technology do a good job of sharing information with them. Especially given our urging of governments to act, it’s incumbent on us to step forward to share this information. “
The company confirmed that they will address the issues internationally.