Hp has introduced its all new Pavilion series laptops in India. The HP Pavilion Plus 14 and the HP Pavilion x360 14 are two new laptops in the series introduced by the company. With the release of the new Hp Pavilion 14 and Pavilion x360 14, Hp has also expanded its Pavilion series portfolio. What sets these two laptops apart from the other Pavilion series is the inclusion of the Intel 12th-generation processor.
The HP Pavilion Plus 14 is the company’s thinnest laptop in the Pavilion series, measuring 16.5mm. It is powered by the Intel Core i5/i7 processor from the 12th generation. The laptop is powered by an Intel H-series processor with a maximum TDP of 45W. It includes two fans and two heat pipes to increase airflow while gaming, creating, streaming, or multitasking.
The Hp Pavilion 14 sports a 14-inch screen and has a resolution of 2.2K along with a 16:10 aspect ratio. It comes with a 5MP webcam at the top which can be used for video calls with HP’s Presence technology, which includes AI Noise Removal. The laptop is available in two colours: Natural Silver and Warm Gold.
The Pavilion x360 14, on the other hand, it is powered by the U-series processor from the 12th generation. The laptop has a built-in 5MP webcam with HP Presence technology. Additionally, it is the first HP consumer laptop to include a manual camera shutter door. The 14-inch display is certified by EyeSafe Display.
Both laptops entail HP Palette and HP Command Centre support. Users can toggle between Performance Mode, Balanced Mode, and Power Saver Mode with the latter.
The HP Pavilion Plus 14-inch is priced starting at Rs 78,999 and the HP Pavilion x360 14-inch laptop is priced starting at Rs 76,999.
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