Vinod Ramachandran, Google’s Product Manager, posted in a blog post about the company’s new service to help users in their schedules.
The new service was hailed Cloud Scheduler, a type of service that lets any application to invoke batch, big data and infrastructure operations. The Cloud Scheduler offers benefits of a cron service which are giving at-least-once delivery job to the target, lets users automate their retries and execute a job in a fault-tolerant manner, and allow users to invoke their schedules through the UI, CLI or API.
Dave Humby, Nomanini’s Chief Technology Officer, said “We rely on Cloud Scheduler to schedule batch jobs that generate mission-critical reports mailed to our clients each morning. We liked the way Cloud Scheduler allows us to seamlessly define a scheduled job through the UI or the CLI. The ability to invoke Google Cloud Functions on a schedule helped stitch together our reporting system.”
Google gave a quickstart guide for all users who want to try the new service. The company also offers a free trial of the new service.