Google Maps to provide Historical Street view imagery

Khushi Bali
Khushi Bali May 27, 2022
Updated 2022/06/20 at 4:51 AM


Google Maps is used by millions of users every day to find the best routes for their desired destination. The ‘most helpful guide’ to any driver just got a big update. Although Google Maps’ historical street View feature has been available for the last 15 years, little did the users know about it. From here on, the users are to be provided with an opportunity to travel back in time with Google Maps.

Street View to use Highlighted Immersive Imagery

The use of AI highlights newly opened businesses, new hours at favorite spots, updated speed limit information, and other latest data. It can work in conjunction with Live View to overlay navigation instructions on top of your camera’s view. With an expanding library of rich, digital models of locations around the world. It permits the user to “glide down to the street level on Maps and even check out the inside of a business as if you were walking around.”

Google Street View offers the current location’s historical imagery

Google Street View is an active feature of Google Maps that allows users to view dynamic panoramas from various locations across the world. It started with numerous locations across the United States in 2007 and has since spread to encompass cities and rural areas across the globe.

Users can view historical imagery in Street View mode by pressing anywhere on the photo to see information about the area. Then they should select “see more dates” to access history imagery for the current location.

Another update is a camera that now will be used by Google to collect Street View images at different locations. The current camera includes seven mini cameras. Unlike the Street View car and trekker, the new camera is lightweight and modular. According to Google, it’s “roughly the size of a house cat”. It can also achieve massive photographs with processing abilities.

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