EU Parliament plans to create more strategic technology policy by Positioning on Chips Act

Strategic technology policy of EU Parliament Chips act and how it works

Ridha Fathima
Ridha Fathima February 2, 2023
Updated 2023/02/10 at 2:00 PM
semiconductors EU Chips

The European Parliament has recently adopted its position on the Chips Act, a proposed regulation aimed at promoting the development of a competitive and sustainable European semiconductor industry. This move is seen as a significant step in the EU’s efforts to create a more strategic and autonomous technology policy and to strengthen its competitiveness in the global market.

The main objective of the Chips Act is to promote the development and production of semiconductors in the EU. Semiconductors are critical components for a wide range of products and technologies, including smartphones, computers, and many other electronics. The goal is to ensure that the EU has a strong and competitive semiconductor industry, which is essential for the development of innovative technologies and the growth of related industries.


One of the key provisions of the Chips Act is the creation of a new European industry consortium, which will bring together industry players, research institutions, and public authorities to support the development and production of semiconductors in the EU. This consortium will have access to funding from the EU and will be tasked with coordinating research and development efforts, promoting innovation, and helping to overcome any barriers to the growth of the industry.

Another important aspect of the Chips Act is the promotion of strategic partnerships between EU companies and their international counterparts. This will help to ensure that the EU remains at the forefront of technology development and has access to the latest innovations and technologies. The Act also calls for increased public and private investment in research and development, which will help to support the growth of the semiconductor industry and ensure that the EU remains competitive in the global market.

In addition to promoting the development of the semiconductor industry, the Chips Act also aims to address some of the challenges facing the industry, such as the high cost of research and development and the need for specialized talent and skills. The Act calls for the creation of training and education programs to help build the skilled workforce required to support the growth of the industry, and for measures to support the commercialization of new technologies and products.

processor chip

In conclusion, the adoption of the position on the Chips Act by the European Parliament is seen as a positive step towards strengthening the EU’s competitiveness in the global technology market. The Act is expected to promote the development and production of semiconductors in the EU, support the growth of the industry, and help to address some of the challenges facing the sector. By working together, the EU can ensure that it remains at the forefront of technology development and has access to the latest innovations and technologies.

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