eBay’s new program will help consumers to sell their smartphones

Sharmaine Centeno
Sharmaine Centeno October 23, 2018
Updated 2022/04/14 at 10:59 AM

eBay introduced its new service for users who are looking for the simplest and easiest way to sell their smartphones.

The new Instant Selling program doesn’t need to manage for the selling procedure because consumers will get paid right after their smartphones has been sold through the company’s voucher. The process for the new feature will only takes in a short period of time, from the start until to the payment. Smartphone will have its options including the 40 to 50 percent off the exact marketing selling value, while eBay will give a higher return which is estimated up to 40 percent higher than the trade-in price.

Alysssa Steele, eBay Hard Good’s Vice President, said “Millions of Americans have unused phones in their homes and simply don’t realize how much their devices are worth, probably because trade-in values are typically so low.” Steele also added “With Instant Selling, people can find out exactly how much their phone is worth, and sell their phone within a matter of minutes to immediately help fund the holidays, or maybe something off their personal wish list.”


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