How Cloud-Based DNS Improves Digital Performance and Resilience

techinnews September 8, 2017
Updated 2022/04/14 at 11:07 AM
how cloud-based dns improves digital performance and resilience
how cloud-based dns improves digital performance and resilience

DNS is the first link in your digital supply chain. Every user’s first interaction with your website begins with a series of DNS queries. Poor DNS performance can lead to slow page loads, dissatisfied customers, damage to your brand, and lost business.

Download this eBook on How Cloud-Based DNS Improves Digital Performance and Resilience and learn:

• The critical role DNS plays in the user experience
• The difference between unicast and anycast-based DNS implementations
• The hidden costs, risks, and challenges of managing your own on-premises
DNS infrastructure or using an “add-on” DNS service from your ISP
• The performance, reliability, and security advantages of a cloud-based DNS

Download eBook Here

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