Circle to Search: A New Way to Explore Your Screen with a Gesture – All You Need To Know

As this feature continues to evolve and expand to more devices, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we search for information on the go. It simplifies how you access information, saving you time and effort while adding a touch of fun and interactivity to the process.

Ridha Fathima
Ridha Fathima January 23, 2024
Updated 2024/01/23 at 11:05 AM

Imagine having a superpower that lets you instantly learn about anything you see on your phone just by drawing a circle around it. That’s exactly what Circle to Search, a revolutionary new feature from Google, offers.

Launched in January 2024, Circle to Search is currently available on Samsung Galaxy S24 and Pixel 8 smartphones, with plans to expand to more devices in the future. It’s not just a gimmick; it’s a powerful tool that seamlessly integrates into your mobile experience, enhancing how you interact with information on your screen.

So, what exactly is Circle to Search?

It’s an extension of Google Search that lets you search for objects, text, and even specific parts of images or videos with a simple gesture. Instead of typing keywords or swiping through endless menus, you can simply:

  1. Long press the home button or navigation bar while the content you’re interested in is displayed.
  2. Draw a circle, highlight, scribble, or tap on the item you want to learn about.
  3. Explore the search results based on the image or dig deeper with multisearch to get even more information.

Here are some ways you can use Circle to Search:

  • Identify an object in a picture: See a cool gadget in a social media post and want to know what it is? Circle it and instantly get information about it, including where to buy it.
  • Translate text on the fly: Encounter a foreign language article or sign and need a quick translation? Highlight the text with a circle and instantly see the translated version.
  • Learn about landmarks: Spotted a majestic building in a travel video and want to know its history? Circle it and get details about its architecture, historical significance, and even fun facts.
  • Find similar products: See a trendy outfit in a fashion video and want to find similar pieces? Circle the items you like and instantly discover where to buy them or find similar styles.
  • Get quick answers to questions: See a statistic in a news article and want to know the source? Circle it and get immediate context and related information.

    hand holding stylus draws a circle on a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to search

Using Circle to Search is not only convenient but also surprisingly intuitive. The natural gestures like circling and highlighting feel fluid and seamless, making it an organic extension of how you interact with your phone.

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