IT Enterprise

Latest IT Enterprise News

Security’s new frontier: The Cloud

The cloud — at one point it was a revolution in the

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

2017 Annual Cyber-security Report

As the attack surface increases, defenders must focus on their most important

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

The transparency imperative

The amount of tax paid by multinational corporations is regularly in the

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

Evaluating your tax technology: Journey to transparency

Are your finance and tax teams equipped with the right technology to

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

4 steps to evaluating tax technology

Regulatory complexity, growing globalisation, increased scrutiny, and internal pressures continue to burden

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

7 reasons to transform tax with technology


techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

Are you over-reliant on spreadsheets?

A 2015 Deloitte survey found that of companies asked, 73% used Microsoft

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

Tax transformation: Building the case for technology

The term tax transformation is more frequently being thrown around in the

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

Managing the challenge of tax in a time of certain change

There's an increasing pressure and scrutiny on multinational tax departments. How ready

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

What to expect in today’s changing tax world

Over the past few years, tax has risen to the forefront of

techinnews techinnews September 20, 2017

Attracting a new generation of employees

Today, all employees are digital employees, and they expect from their employers

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

Top tips to help HR leaders think like marketers

When today’s workers expect more from their employers, businesses need to change

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

How VR, AI and chatbots will transform CX by 2020

When customers increasingly favour self-service to human interaction, the companies that are

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

Transforming for empowered digital audiences

The growth of digital and mobile technologies means brands find themselves playing

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

How CFOs outperform peers by 70% on profit and revenue

A lack of process standardisation and automation slows down the modern finance

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

How to escape your worst spreadsheet nightmares

Spreadsheets cause all kinds of problems, giving finance managers everywhere nightmares. In

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

How Cloud-Based DNS Improves Digital Performance and Resilience

DNS is the first link in your digital supply chain. Every user’s

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

The Case Against ISP DNS

ISPs provide on-ramps for Internet connectivity and make money carrying traffic across

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

Evernote Streamlines Cloud Migration with Dyn Traffic Director

Like many enterprises and SaaS providers, Evernote planned to move its compute

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017

The #1 Question You Should Ask Any Potential DNS Vendor

The DNS is an often-overlooked protocol. Historically, many companies believed they could

techinnews techinnews September 8, 2017