According to a report, Vivo would be releasing a number of gadgets in India starting next month. The Vivo V25 Pro, a new mid-range phone from the brand, was recently released. Dimensity 1300 SoC, 66W rapid charging, and a 120Hz display are all included in the gadget. However, Vivo could now return its attention to the cheap market with the debut of a mid-range phone. Up to 6 Vivo entry-level smartphones might debut in India next month.
Vivo will introduce Multiple inexpensive phones in India
Vivo will debut numerous products next month, according to the report. Up to six new inexpensive cell phones from the corporation could reportedly be arriving in the nation before the end of the month. They will be sold under the names Vivo Y02s, Vivo Y16, Vivo Y35, Vivo Y22, Vivo Y22s, and Vivo Y01A.
Unfortunately, the report didn’t suggest any information about the phones’ specifications or costs beyond the model names. The retail box and live photos of the Vivo Y22s, however, are present on the internet. However, the Vivo Y22s could replace the Vivo Y21s, which debuted in Indonesia last year.
Vivo Y22s’s Design, Colors, and Specifications
The Vivo Y22s has two cameras on the back, arranged in a protruding camera island, as seen in the image. Both Sky Blue and Dark Blue, the phone’s colour options, are evident. Vivo and the Y22s logos are there on the front of the phone’s box packaging.
The information in these pictures teaches us nothing else. The phone’s specifications have been clarified by a few earlier sources, though. We expect the 6.55-inch water-drop notch display on the Vivo Y22s. However, it will presumably have a regular refresh rate and an HD resolution LCD panel.
The gadget will include a dual camera arrangement with a 50MP primary lens and a 2MP secondary sensor on the back. This sensor is probably for depth or macro photography. Additionally, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 SoC, along with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage, will drive the smartphone.
A microSD card slot will be present for added storage. The smartphone could have a 5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging capabilities. On top of Android 12 OS, Funtouch OS 12 will launch when the phone will be on.
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