5 Unsupervised ML Models to Learn in 2023

Nishita Gupta
Nishita Gupta February 8, 2023
Updated 2023/02/08 at 2:12 AM

Machine learning algorithms are classified into several types: Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforcement learning, Deep learning, Semi-supervised learning, and Generative models.

Unsupervised learning is when it can provide a set of unlabeled data, which is required to analyze and find patterns inside.  The machine is trained using data that has not been labelled, classified, or categorized, and the algorithm is required to operate on that data without supervision.

Unsupervised learning seeks to restructure the input record into new features or a set of objects with similar patterns. Here are the top 10 unsupervised ML models to learn in 2023:

  1. Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering is a clustering algorithm that creates a hierarchy of clusters. It starts with all of the data, which is assigned to its cluster. Two close clusters will be in the same cluster in this case. When there is only one cluster left, the algorithm terminates.

  1. K-means Clustering

K denotes an iterative clustering algorithm that assists you in determining the highest value for each iteration. At first, the desired number of clusters is chosen. This clustering method requires you to divide the data points into k groups. A higher k indicates smaller groups with greater granularity. Lower k values indicate larger groups with less granularity. The algorithm produces a set of “labels.” It allocates each data point to one of the k groups. Each group in k-means clustering is defined by defining a centroid for each group.

  1. K-nearest Neighbors

The K-nearest neighbour classifier is the most basic of all machine learning classifiers. It is distinct from other machine learning techniques in that it does not generate a model. It is a straightforward algorithm that stores all available cases and classifies new instances using a similarity metric. When there is a large gap between examples, it works very well.            Unsupervised Machine learning - Javatpoint

  1. Principle Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis is an unsupervised learning algorithm used in machine learning to reduce dimensionality. It is a statistical process that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert observations of correlated features into a set of linearly uncorrelated features. It is one of the most widely used tools for exploratory data analysis and predictive modelling. It is a method for extracting strong patterns from a given dataset by reducing variances.

  1. Independent Component Analysis

Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a machine-learning technique for distinguishing independent sources in a mixed signal. Unlike principal component analysis, which seeks to maximize data point variance, the independent component analysis seeks to maximize independence, i.e., independent components.

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